Kent Stainless would like to reassure all our customers, sub-contractors and suppliers that we are continuing to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 closely and following HSE and World Health Organisation advice. Following on from our first update on the 19th of March 2020, we wish to address the following areas to ensure clarity in these unprecedented times.
Architects, Consulting Engineers, End Client Specifiers
Our engineering team are all working from home with full communication channels open. Many of your projects are coming to fruition in 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 months and we are prepping drawings for these. Drawing requests to be sent in as normal from links on our web pages. With our regular communication channels and employees continuing to take full health and safety precautions it as close to business as usual in this area as possible.
Building Contractors
If your site is deemed essential by the government guidelines (HSE work, NHS work, Contractors working on Medical, Lab, Hospital, Nursing Home, some Pharmaceutical work) these AND ONLY THESE projects will be accepted for fabrication and manufacture. In the importance of safety for our team and partners, safe working distance guidelines mean less fabrication is taking place and lead times are longer. HSE direct and NHS direct work takes precedence over all other work.
Some of you supply us with small components that you may be unaware are connected to HSE, NHS, healthcare or other pharmaceutical projects. We will rely on you to absolutely find a way get these components to us for these hugely important projects.
Our team continue to review updates daily from the HSE, government and WHO to ensure the best course of action required with staff and customer well being continuing to be of the highest importance. We thank our team, customers and suppliers during these times, and wish sincere good health to you and your families.