Kent Stainless Bromley Cafe Windbreak KBCWB101/3 is strong, robust, visually pleasing, and can be removed without leaving trip hazards behind. The Café Windbreaks are made from dome top bollard posts 101mm diameter with 3mm thick stainless walls – all from grade 316 stainless steel. Kent have 6 finishes to stainless steel that we create in-house and the Bright Satin Finish was applied to these windbreakers to ensure maximum corrosion resistance and minimal cleaning requirement.
Kent had already designed the Hidden Lock Sockets for bollards for Wembley Stadium in 2007. These were special sockets that bollards could be lifted out of, that required no padlock or hinged lid, and left a heelproof slot visible on the ground surface plate after removal. These optional sockets are regularly used to accompany Kent Bromley Cafe Windbreaks.
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