Our Type 12 Twin Box In Ground Unit for the USA market has a 34” x 43” top cover – recessed 2.5” to take 2” paver blocks plus bedding, with a matching box 19” wide
UL Listed electrical components are housed under a hinged recessed manhole cover. The cover itself can withstand slow moving wheel loads from a 40 ton truck.
This outdoor In Ground Power Box allows 4 Food/Coffee Carts to plug into power while eliminating the trailing cables and cords and avoiding the noise and pollution associated with a portable gas generator.
It also allows a 100 amp connection for very heavy duty power requirements—e.g. for a stage or ice rink or for plugging in a distribution board which further supplies power to many other vendors (used in open box position only)
The 2nd box then contains up to 18 broadcast media connections including Data, Fiber and Audio Visual connections
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