Anti-Slavery Policy

  1. Introduction

This is a statement made on behalf of Kent Stainless regarding the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, this act takes important steps to ensure that slavery, human trafficking, servitude and forced or compulsory labour are eliminated in the workplace. Modern slavery is a severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain.

Kent Stainless is committed to acting ethically and with integrity within our business and throughout our business relationships.

Our ethical objective is to ensure that people in the supply-chain are treated with respect and have rights with regard to employment including the rights to freely choose employment, freedom of association, payment of a living wage, working hours that comply with national laws, equal opportunities, recognised employment relationship, freedom from intimidation and to a safe and healthy working environment.

This policy statement is in conjunction with other Kent Stainless policies such ‘equal opportunities policy’. These policies implement effective systems to ensure that fair, honest and equal opportunities are given within the company. Our policies ensure that human trafficking and slavery are not taking place in our business.  

Kent Stainless will carry out regular monitoring of the implementation of ‘Modern Slavery Act 2015’ and continue to share knowledge and improve understanding of this act within our workforce and supply-chain. We recognise that modern anti-slavery requires a continuous review to help identify and prevent risks of human trafficking and slavery.


Ann O’Brien

Managing Director
