We have 3 main groups of stainless steel studs – Tactile Warning Studs – Skate Deterrent Studs and Road Studs.
The Stainless Steel or Brass Tactile Warning Studs are generally raised 5mm or 1/4″ above ground level. Mostly 25mm / 1″ diameter some are 35mm / 1.4″ diameter. the circular ring tactile studs are a good match for our Corduroy Ridge Tactile indicator Strips.
Our Diamond Tactile Warning Studs are good match for our Diamond Ridge Tactile Warning Strips – and most often used a a change in direction indicator in Metro Stations or Railway Terminal.
Resin Filled Tactile studs are available in colours to match other items on the scheme.
Stainless Steel Demarcation Indicators are approximately the same size and are usually flush with the ground level. They are mostly used to indicate private property ownership vs public ownership of public path areas especially for outdoor dining or other items outside a shop front.
Stainless Steel Road Studs are larger – often 100mm or 4″ diameter. They are used primarily for demarcation of parking bays or car parka areas where white lines are not appropriate. Versions etched with symbols are used as Bicycle Lane Demarcation Studs.
Finally Stainless Steel Anti Skateboarding studs or skate deterrents protect corners of stone and timber benches or steps from skaters grinding and damaging the stonework. They are available as skateboard strips, as sphere shapes, angle shapes, swoosh / torpedo shaped or as fins to insert between the paving grout.